The status of the current world is expanding the scope of research from the movement of human beings to the movement of human beings, objects, and their interconnected relationships. The development of mobility technology enables human beings, society, culture, and nature to move across boundaries, and their mobilities will be strengthened in the future. In response to the development of mobility, the Academy of Mobility Humanities (AMH) intends to create innovative research platforms to deal with the development of mobility technology, the daily movement of things, and their connected issues.
The HK+ Mobility Humanities Institute (MHI), a sub institute of the Academy of Mobility Humanities (AMH), is the leading research institute for Humanities Korea Plus (HK+), supported by the National Research Foundation in 2018. We are conducting a seven-year-long research project entitled “Mobility Humanities based on the co-evolution of human being and technologies: worlding the human-mobility societies in the future”. The HK+ Mobility Humanities Education Center, another sub institute of the AMH, operates a variety of creative education programs to disseminate the achievements of mobility humanities research to civil society. Through this, we aim to help citizens cultivate knowledge of mobility and humanities in the era of high-mobility.
Based on these projects, the Academy of Mobility Humanities (AMH) attempts to help to cultivate a better society for humanities-based thinking. In doing so, we aim to become one of the main representative institutes of mobility research internationally, which also fosters new researchers. AMH continues to evolve as a center from where mobility-focused research engages practical as well as scholarly questions that are planetary in scope.
Professor Inseop Shin
The Academy of Mobility Humanities
Welcome to the HK+ Mobility Humanities Education Center (MHE)!
The HK+ Mobility Humanities Education Center is a central hub for sharing and crafting humanities lectures for the general public. MHE’s work aims to revitalize and facilitate public participation in events and fairs in local communities.
With the support of the National Research Foundation and the Academy of Mobility Humanities (AMH) the MHE Center offers quality humanities lectures, which were hand-picked and filtered through a thorough selection process, for a variety of local partners and public institutions. We hope that the Center becomes a place where many people come together, gain a sense of fulfilment whilst communicating with each other and exploring their intellectual curiosity about Humanities.
Professor Jooyoung Kim
HK+Mobility Humanities Education Center
- 2022.11 International Journal of Diaspora & Cultural Criticism selected for KCI indexed journal
- 2022.01 The First Issue of English Journal, Mobility Humanities
- 2019.02 Launched the Asia Mobility Humanities Network (AMHN)
- 2018.09 Academy of Mobility Humanities Official Opening Ceremony
- 2018.06 Established “The Academy of Mobility Humanities” as a research insitute
- 2018.05 Launched NRF HK Project, “Mobility Humanities based on the Co-Evolution of Human Being and Technologies”